How are 'The Little Prince' Drawings Relate to a Keyword Search?
I was not only impressed by the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry itself but also how easily this little boy was solving various problems. Who is this boy? His name is Little Prince, which just travels from one place to another meeting people and solving their problems.
Why did I fell in love with this book?
“You can’t realize these owners, “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” ”
I remember how my mother read this book to me when I was a child, I was the same little boy like a character of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry story. To be truthful, I did not understand this book when I was a child the same way as I understand it now. I did not understand why life was not as easy as Little Price’s world. I remember how he drew a snake, not like we are drawing these creatures, but easily he simply sketched a mountain, not like real elevation but, just a line. Lately, he was wondering why these people do not understand his masterpiece. The same way as I, a user experience design specialist, in the field of SEO, do not understand some parts of my own life.

Who am I?
Let me dwell a little bit about it.
When business owners define my profession they understand it as a strange world of digital marketing. What do Google trends or keyword ideas suggest to me? They are the same as for Little Prince in his world? Every new list of keywords, every branding strategy for me is a New Planet, even to you, business owners, it’s just the search of engine trends.
Wow, My potential customers’ world!
Or another new concept --- Hackathon! It was like training in arts, the same for Yulia Ovchinnikova, the organizer of Tech Festival, it was her own, different world. She reminded me of the keyword research tools of Semrush, an SEO platform. I remember the same keyword difficulties, that I heard from Jena when we spoke with him about my client Victor. My regular, more than 5 costumers, and business owners of https://fiberge.su/, https://rollly.su/. It’s interesting that he is still using pretty much the same site that we designed him more than 10 years ago, and, I still blog posting for him.
What is my SEO strategy 2020 about?
I have just finished my regular, but very different On-line Ramadan 2020, and still writing my new story for the local customers. Again my Google Serch console describes my text as too small, and “navigational links are so close to each other...” It looks like a different part of the world of the same SEO.