What Can improve in my local SEO Fridays
Strategy, and Results, Near me?
How did the Hudson Valley (HV) tech festival event I participated in October 2019 - it was held on Friday, as well as the General Assembly online class I completed in Dec. 2018, help me understand the idea of the Near me Seo Strategy?
If you look at the Google Map in your neighborhood, what kind of comparatives do you have in local businesses’ search results? Local SEO results are very tricky. For example, what would you think about what kind of localized search results we will get around us when we search for Friday locations?
But if it’s the time of Black Friday deals will be so different? My topic is not about deals, now it’s everywhere, it’s more about my Friday's search results, and how to improve it?
Let’s look at how Google ranks results pages :
What is your TGi Fridays, right Now about?
How do you solve your TGIF problem, and what is it about?
TGi Fridays near me are always different, but many of them are about job search near me. This one is more about UX research and tools which I studied during the General Assembly online class, but now I am practicing it everywhere.
How do I find what's happening to Hackathons in your area that I can participate in?