How has Donald Trump, and the Pandemic Changed me?
What makes me love fine arts, and one of its most genius representatives Antoine de Saint Exupéry and his fairytale, “The Little Prince?”
To start with, I live in Goshen, New York, even though I can’t say I am an artist, but I have some works in exhibitions, in the local Goshen Art League. Even though I work as a Strategist, I have nothing to do with Washington DS, I do not like to work with politics. This year I have plans to draw something conceptual and special. Something like “The Little Prince’s” elephant or snake, from my favorite book. Probably that’s why I took my first Trotter Horse to draw on it.
But as always, too much going on in New York City, something possibly changed my priorities and plans.
Goshen is a village in Orange County region, which is famous by Historic Track, even now a time of Pandemic, and all events are cancelled, Painted red white and blue Trotters beautiful project of local Art League.

For now, the Coronavirus is still in the air and impacts everything!
Of course, I do not stop drawing and sketching.
But mostly I am busy with:
Drawing more than 2000 symbols of masks, which cover my face every time when I work at the site Roccoroma Market (online Grocery Store).
Wearing more than 300 gloves that I change every day when I take photos of vegetables and fruits at the store.
Making sketches, designing more than 2000 pages, and selecting keywords for the store site, but most of them are not only for the design, art, they also serve well for the SEO.
Buying organic food and researching the new keywords.
I have enough of these symbols in my own life and my website. I do not know if you can see these symbols on my trotter. But what is the value of art if there is no reality in it?

““I showed the grown-ups my masterpiece, and I asked them if my drawing scared them. They answered: “Why to be scared of a hat?” My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.”
Make it stand out.
Essential is always invisible, that is my art. Something that is invisible to the eye, something that we can feel through colors, composition, and light…That’s how the scene from the Little Prince where a boa constrictor is digesting an elephant was mistaken and viewed as a hat.
What are the symbols of my invisible fairy tales?
All our life is invisible because we are staying at home, how long we will stay in this reality depends on us. The story behind my “Little Prince” art is very symbolic, too. The author, Antoine de Saint Exupéry has an answer to my questions about our relationship with this life.
Read what The Little Prince about stars, too many questions of real-life reality: “All men have stars, but they are not the same things for different people.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, El Principito This is what I can say about stars, they are not just light spots in the sky they are guides.
I think a lot about the symbols in art and in our life, in general. I have some revelations:
One can understand what the value of your life is if one looks at life through their heart.
The sky at night time is different than the sky in the morning. Skies have mood…
The stars are different for common people than for artists, like me.
The stars can laugh, or even sometimes they can cry. For me, they are living beings!
The value of every moment of this life is different for all of us; the stars look differently for all of us.

The COVID-19 pandemic is like a war. We all are in the state of war with it. We do not know much about the enemy. Our leaders are struggling to find the weapon against it and keep changing the rules confusing the public with their mixed messages. This situation affects and feeds the artists with symbols!
Our Earth is a very small planet, but everything is interconnected. The sunset or sunrise, wind, sand, and stars have a special meaning for the Earth.
World war II is finished a few decades ago, but some may even not know who was fighting in it and why. But is left a significant trace in the life of people and Mother Earth. People have learned from the past and do not repeat the mistakes made by the previous generations.
It definitely impacted me!
I work with my client every day developing the brand strategy as well as market research. If research does not help I understand the best way to ask a question to the professionals via forums or social media. I know stars are silent, they can’t give an answer but they can guide!