Nice to meet you, my Brand is : Remindable Studio.
I want to ask you a question, what does a SEO brand strategist do, or what is? As an SEO Specialist with more than 20 years of experience, I already know the best answer, always in Google, just type: “brand strategist meaning”.

Let’s Google:
Results always popup something interesting like the first answer that this person works with:
I am not Henri Matisse, my artwork.
“Brand Manager or marketing team to ensure a consistent and effective brand message. ”
Keyword here: brand message, right his/her job is to help your business customers memorize your business. Any brand is a story, it’s not really about the visual image, the logo just a little part of this mosaic.
“The second answer is “The most important role in marketing” ”
https://aytm.com/blog/introduction-to-brand-strategy-part-1/ is this role.
Like architecture or sculptor works with the face, brand strategist works with the image of the company.
MY Brand Message
That's enough for now, I just want to research for answers and build, day by day my consumers' brand stories. It’s just a little part of the experience, which reminds me of how I started building my Remindable Studio SEO strategies. I am also an artist, as well as work as an SEO strategist in the Roccoroma food store. When I studied to draw portraits, my teacher showed me how to draw a portrait. If a student starts, for example, to draw a portrait from the nose of a person, usually it’s hard to recognize the person in the painting in the end. He taught me to draw portraits like geometric figures, from general to the whole, that's how you remember the people whom you see around you. As for me, I remember not a person him/herself, but something specific about them. My strategies are always about specific memories. My job is to design brands that bring yours and your customers’ memories. The question that is most important, and memorable for you, how do your clients memorize things, events, people?

Make it stand out.
For example, if to speak about your brand as a person's face, think about it as a portrait. I have a bad memory, I remember only what has a value for me. What is the value of your business for customers? Is it a product or a service? Each business is different. If you think they are the same why do your customers choose you as a business? My job makes a difference between 1000 similar businesses, this process is called market research, as well as local SEO.
That's what I call Remindable.