What is your review of my Own NYC World of Warcraft? 

If Google giving Wow definition as a person which “say ‘ wow ‘ when you are very impressed, surprised” , so I am like 40 years Strategist, as well as the concept artist, Just W_o_W by New York
— Smirnov Ruslan, based on Google

About my Background:


So who I am a more than 40 years artist, which grown-up in a Soviet Union world of original watercolors, so when I first came to Goshen NY and sow watercolors markers, like a little prince I am drawing everything I saw.


Make it stand out.

But because I do not sow much first concept art, it was about Thanksgiving holiday, of course, it was my own first TGIF solution Near Me. And of course, it was really mixed with Black Friday sails it was first my wow art, too.

WoW it.

Wow, concept art, which I called the Little Prince at NYC, was more about my filling of this concrete jungle of Manhattan, as well as the social media world of too many advertisements.


Build it.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Sell it.

As SEO as well as a digital strategist with 20 years of experience of  Founder and Creative (Art)Director of Bearded PR, a design and Search Engine Optimisation studio, I understood the goals of adds very well.


Grow it.

But as the person who started searching, for a creative director position by  LinkedIn, then switched it for creative strategist jobs, I do not understand the creative strategy of advertising agencies at all.

In a Way to:


Some works are presented at : “Goshen Art League Annual Brotherhood Winery Exhibit ”

 It's not just an easy question what is your way of, or what are you doing at the the way?

Goshen Bus StopIn a way to Manhattan NYC or My own Groundhog Day problem solution

Goshen Bus Stop

In a way to Manhattan NYC or My own Groundhog Day problem solution

Nature Way to AlmightyDo you sow, trees which resist growing?

Nature Way to Almighty

Do you sow, trees which resist growing?

Diptych: " Almighty everywhere"On the way to the Almighty

Diptych: " Almighty everywhere"

On the way to the Almighty

Bus From Manhattan

Bus From Manhattan

Goshen Art League ExhibitI have a great chance to present my work at the Goshen Art League ”Home” exhibit

Goshen Art League Exhibit

I have a great chance to present my work at the Goshen Art League ”Home” exhibit


WoW Job Search


We're Probably Living in a Simulation, during 2020 as Elon Musk Say: