What are daily life problems which need my solutions?
My work is Creative SEO or brand strategy. My story is about my own strategic thinking and creative process. Shown at my UX strategist portfolio website are my own director illustration ideas as well as illustrations from my favorite books, such as The Little Prince, problem solutions, and famous UX quotes.
Am I a brand strategist? (You need to answer this question)
“Everything started from strategy and brand, too. “
— Ruslan Smirnov SEO Strategist
Compare Creative Strategist vs Creative Director
Well, the brand strategist career path started from naming ideas of my international SEO company Design History, which later was re-branded to Bearded-PR, to Barbary studio Logo, and may I even say branding strategy.
“ Not only to find ways to further to become inspired by the world of branding but also developing a marketing plan through analysis of current market data and trends.” ”
Not really:
portfolio? Everything that you see in Strategist Portfolios can provide not only the visual graphic design ideas but also solve user experiences problems. How would it be different for a UX designer portfolio? Even the Coca-cola can, to box from Steve Jobs iPhone, have the creative strategy background behind it.
May I be a UX, affinity, or web designer?
Affinity mapping and comparative analysis are my favorite tools, but I am not an affinity designer, even though I use them for the design process too, and sometimes I work with user interfaces.
I have a blog article and illustrations about the bridge sail process, Dunkin-donuts, and McDonald's menu even if UX cv I never work with any of them, and I am not a visual designer.
UX art director or UX illustration career :
Richard Bach UX Quotes :
How Might WE (#HMW), creative thinkers working with illustrate our strategies?
What could my strategy be about?
Even simply a can of Coca-Cola, or a box from Steve Jobs iPhone has a philosophical background, behind it, what I one time realized, this is a job of strategist and art director.
““According to the definition of Richard Bach and the dog Snoopy, if you can’t find a solution to a problem, just run “away from” it “ There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from.”...
”You’re quoting Snoopy the dog, I believe?” “I’ll quote the truth wherever I find it thank you.”? ”
How Might Little Prince (#HMW) understand what is creative problems solutions about? The answer is a part of my creative problem-solving examples.
Why did Little Prince, become a Strategist of a creative strategy portfolio?
What are the symbols of my own Little Prince story? I am Ruslan Smirnov, who am I in my story? To speak about my own little prince symbols it’s all about my own life and me. In my portfolio, I have examples of fine arts, illustrations of UX research that are all about the creative vision I leave.
“That’s the words of my long-term, content strategy: “I am who I am, and I need to be,” said the Little Prince, even this little boy from the book Antoine de Saint-Exupéry clearly understands who he is.””
My creative director portfolio, not only about the design process, user interfaces and UX illustration it’s about creative problems solutions.
That’s how to become I creative strategist, or creative director:
““My Creative Problem Solutions
are a part of my Design Thinking Process ””
Grate, are you Ready with Me 🤓 to local

But now it’s when we stay at home because a pandemic started I am training my skills in SEO, graphic design, and writing about my portfolio.