Gold Edition of 2020s:
Men and women, it looks like a week over the week we are planning Civilisation 5 or World of Warcraft classic Apple or PC game on high-speed internet, but this is not a game it’s a life story.
“Some of us think life is a computer simulation, as Richard Bach says: “to bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there” but where is the exit from the virtual reality of the 2020s?”

“Define strategist as “a person skilled in planning action or policy, especially in war or politics.” I want to ask President Donald Trump: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.
`` What is a plan and when “It’s going to be just fine.”?
“Or one of the presidents Trump quotes from Twitter, quoting Little Prince: "I am who I am." ,this creative solution stilled from Antoine de Saint Exupéry quotes”
— @realDonaldTrump
Land Next Americans on Moon
When 2020 started we thought that masks and sanitizers would save our lives, we closed at home like we are living in a computer-simulated world. We thought that the Elon Musk rocket landed on Mars and solved our problems, or video games will become a reality in 2021.
“ What events of your life we remember when the 2020s started, as one of my favorite Richard Bach quotes says: “If a man told God that he wanted most of all to help the suffering world, no matter the price to himself, and God answered and told him what he must do, should the man do as he is told?”
Many of us live in a world where Gold, Oil & Drugs has the same meaning as the word of God, and God is just an acronym shorthand or slang. Is life a simulation game, which we can re-play from the beginning, or do we make life a part of simulated realities?
“But what does God stand for, let’s ask Google: according to the definition of God from Oxford Languages: the word understanding as: “creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.”
— SEO Strategist Ruslan Smirnov