Let’s buy a design project.
What do you think could be inside of the box?
One of the business goals is usually to sell us something, design trends, as graphic designers, sell us values; brand identities, eye-catching, designing of packaging. It does not look like how hard the packaging design process is.
“As an owner, creative strategist, an owner with 15 years of experience in design and SEO studio, I want to ask you a question. How many times did we go to a store to buy a box, do people need it?”
Business Goal vs Creative Strategy
Make it stand out.
Ask it.
How many times did we go to a store to buy a box, do people need it? I think I knew the answer already, so I don’t need to read the coffee ground to answer this question.
Buy it.
Instead, you buy products in it. But when people make a package design, unfortunately usually they don’t think about it. And this is not only what I saw from my experience.
Design it.
To write this article I made google research.
What is creating a package design idea, and what makes it different from other kinds of design? When we are buying pizza we do not think about how much we pay for the pizza box design.
Amazon, Make it Visible
As owner of a design studio with 15 years, sometimes people think that any box is just a package, and that it’s not a big deal to make this kind of design.
Define it.
“For example: first of the definition, how Google defines a package design is: “ the discipline of creating the container, graphics and visible outer presence of a product a consumer buys at retail or might receive in the mail.” ”
Google it.
What differences make a candle box different from a package of matches?
But if to think outside of the box, Google really mistaken because if people need to sell a product which is inside of it, and is not separate from the same items that are sold in the store, and this definition didn’t say about what specifically is in the box.
Packaging it.
And think about it is the site of packaging graphics studio, whose purpose is to design boxes. That's why when I have a task to design a brand and box for organic candles, first I was thinking about what research and competitive analysis I need to make it perfect. That’s why I can define a package design as the decoration of a box whose purpose is to help sell the brand and products that are inside.