Think it.
We always try to be part of somebody's problems’ Solution…
Build it.
But what if I ask you, do all the problems have the right solutions?
Grow it.
Or what if some of our solutions become the beginning of different problems?
My trip to Soviet Union
“What is Pink Floyd the wall meaning: “according to the band, the "wall" is the self-isolating barrier we build over the course of our lives”, what is the goal of Trump's, or Berlin wall impenetrable barrier?
— Based on: composingwritingv2.weebly.com/project-text/the-real-meaning-of-another-brick-in-the-wall-by-pink-floyd
As prehistory :
For example, in 1979 the song of the famous group “Pink Floyd” has the following words:
“All for thought who was breaking the wall”
What is the purpose of any wall?
What is the wall, how for example, google define it? In the first definition, Google said:
““a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land.” ”
Funny Naming of Tatiana Grill
The assumption based on the definition of the purpose of any wall is the separation of a piece of land.

What do we separate when we build the wall between the countries?
Our Social Media Wall:
What is a country” Is it just a piece of land? Of course, not. There are trees, animals, birds, and of course, people in any land. So it looks at those who build walls separate people from people, love, families...
Brighton Beach as a part of a wall’s solution:
There was an example in history, pretty much the same during the cold war period, an “iron curtain” between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
“What is Iron curtain meaning: “a notional barrier separating the former Soviet bloc and the West prior to the decline of communism” so if "bricks in the wall" are the people and events that turn us inward and away from others” during Pink Floyd depression, who are the people in a Trump wall?
— Definitions from Oxford Languages
Does it look like the wall solution will make anybody happy or great?