Do not read on the coffee grounds or tea leafs:
“Do not waste yours, time and future, to reading tea leaves, there is no coffee grounds, at this STARBUCKS coffee”
Make it predicted.
Research it.
just love #STARBUCKS coffee, that’s why I decide to create an advertisement as a present for New York STARBUCKS company, for the Valentine’s Day. I started brainstorming ideas based on the given task reflecting STARBUCKS’ tea, and coffee promotion. To complete the task I jotted down a few statements:
Love it.
Sometimes #coffeegrounds are used for predicting the future.
Or learning who your partner will be or how I meet my “love”
Others learn the future reading tea leafs
I don’t read coffee grounds or tea leafs even I am a coffee lover
You can make your future or meet your love by visiting the New York STARBUCKS
End more…
Read it.
After I have taken enough notes I started brainstorming using HMW questions to understand the solution for the New York STARBUCKS advertisement design? #HMW questions are tricky but very helpful.
HMW stands for How Might We...
How might you understand that you love somebody.
If we meet each other in the New York STARBUCKS cafe?
How might we meet each other in the New York STARBUCKS cafe?