Why are the problem-solving jobs near me so important right now?
In search engine optimization, SEO specialists have a very interesting term “near me.” But we deal with a social distance these days in today's COVID-19 reality.

2020 SEO results:
What is unusual is that at the beginning of 2020 this local SEO result starts changing pretty fast. I thought that what happens around will always be important, but I can’t even guess that it will go that far. I thought that people were buying tickets, not far from the house. I actually thought of competitive analysis which is a tool of User Experience to research the search engine changes.
Online Events, Near me, Right Now:
I started to work with it during Hudson Valley Hackathon and started writing an article about it.
I was searching for:
Friday’s restaurants,
ACME markets…
Just stay home, Goshen
Make it stand out.
For example when someone asks you where I can find Friday’s near me, what this person is asking about?
he/ she want to realize what is happening on Friday,
The date,
Does this person want to find a restaurant?
I always thought my value in my problem-solving skills, actually based on my SEO strategist background I was asking Google
Who is a problem-solver?
“Based on Google’s first problem solver search results is
A problem solver is a synonym of “analytic” person, who finds “rational” solutions.
What is Near problem-solution About, Right Now?
As an SEO specialist, I can agree with this definition in the sense, for example, this article is about analyzing near me results, but this time is not about rational solutions.
If you look, for example at the weather -- yesterday it was hot, today, it is snowing, where are rational solutions at time of weather podcasts and social media?
So I can't even guess that people stop searching for tickets, restaurants, shopping, around them but in one moment looking for toilet paper, bleach and napkins, because of a coronavirus case near me.
For now, this term is about personal distance, and I do not want to see people around me. I realized that Social Distance is for me and for everybody to survive!