How I understand McDonald's brand Success
I am asking myself why with COVID-19 spread everywhere the local Mcdonald's is so successful. To start with, I have nothing to do with the restaurants promoting fast food (Burger King, Subway, etc.) My professional interest is in the area of Brand/ SEO Strategy. I am more focused on thinking of promoting healthier ways of life.

How to be
on social media?
How simply fast food restaurants become so successful all over the world, even the food not healthy, and rather expensive?
I think many of the potential customers of McDonald corporation have no idea what makes it face let’s try to look inside of the corporate politic.
For example, let’s talk about the famous big mac recipe: it is not just a hamburger or 1/4 pound ground beef. Salt, and of course no Special Sauce, it does not make it successful.
What makes such fast-food chains as Burger King and dishes like big mac, or coca-cola, french fries so memorable?
The answer, very simply our ego, or psychological factor, you want something big and not expensive, here it is in the naming of burger: try to buy somewhere for 1/4 pound ground beef for $3.99. This psychology is the concept of ideas.

Based on that I try to look at my personal brand and identity of my client.
What is Roccoroma or Remindable brand identity?
To describe my brand, I referred to the definition of the term on Google placed in the first position, it includes:
““visible elements” “such as color, design, and logo, that identify and distinguish the brand in consumers’ minds”. ”
What macing building a brand so important?
Based on the definition something should make the elements visible. So what are the elements of RoccoRoma?
Roccoroma already identifies as a grocery store of Goshen NY just because of its only one store around, it’s already visible. If I want a beef sandwich with fancy ketchup I will go to the Roccoroma store, just because it is only one store near my house. But what about, for example, Pizza, that is also sold in Roccoroma. If you look in the origin and identity of the Roccoroma store, it is not associated with pizza. There are a number of Pizza places around.
When I design identities what question I am thinking about?
How to show with a logo a place in a map, where is Roccoroma located?
How identify brands and items, or deals in a store?
How to show on the menu What food is served at Roccoroma, or can I buy the slice pizza, pan pizza and more?
What makes
Rocco Roma and Remiindable
brand so unique?
If it does not show up in ‘consumers' minds” as soon as possible, it’s something else but not what I call memorable. In the idea of MC, it’s a brand of Max, Burger King it’s the king of a burger.
When I started designing the identity of the store I first and foremost was focusing on the delivery service which is named in the definition as the “collection of all elements.” You can see a similar approach in the Dore Dash platform that also supports the delivery service. When it comes to the e-commerce solution of the Roccoroma store I was confused by the elements.
So if I want it to be famous as McDonald brothers, probably the advertising budget should be similar.
“That what I understood from 3 definitions: “All the components related to a product, service, company, or person””
My SEO Strategy about
That what I am talking about when I was creating my personal logo of Remindable SEO Strategy. That’s what I am thinking about when I am creating a memorable brand identities