Wow, it’s Holidays Every Month, Near Me !
“My first words when I came to York city were: W-O-W! - even more holidays around me, when people making business here? ”

“WoW, thank God it’s weekend, is it mean I can rest here?
Every week is TGiF Near You:
Every month it’s Ground Hogs day or TGiF when people, making money here, if every month we have a reason to rest?
What is a point?
I just was asking, Amazon Alexa, what time is the fist bus to NYC on Monday, or other question was what is Groundhog day, and why so many people at 2020 still believe it?
“Monday, January 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2020 in the United States, Holidays Schedule, answer Amazon Alexa”
WoW it is Prime Time at TGiF
Prime time at #Tgif, Times Square NYC