#Tgi_s spring or lingering Groundhog Day:
#TGiF its looks like, first of March, finally the first day of spring. All week I was planning a trip to New York for an interview. This morning is finally Friday and I look out the window in anticipation of a trip to New York. Oh, what is it, I do not believe my eyes, outside the window, is snow.
It looks like on February 2, the groundhog, in Goshen, forgot to wake up.
for me Groundhog Day 2020 about.
Dream it.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
It looks like on February 2, the groundhog, in Goshen, forgot to wake up.
This is #creative_problem_solution of my 2020 #GroundHog_day
Wate it.
Glory to the Almighty, kind of like snow cleared on the road, so not a problem. Before leaving, I look at Google for the weather in New York and at the same time, I check whether our groundhog woke up this year. I thought there was fog, “NO Shadow at 7:28 AM; 14º fog & mist with -1º Wind Chill” https://www.stormfax.com/ghogday.htm
Different places- different Google Wether Solutions:
My amazing Amazon Groundhog day, problem solution.
There you have it, folks! #PunxsutawneyPhil has made his prediction - an early spring is on its way Thanks for another memorable #GroundhogDay #GHD2019
Look out for #PASunnyDays coming your way
I was actively thinking, my story is finished, and I happily came back home from NYC.
This story brought me memories about #TGIF-birthday present, and how easily people can be stuck in NYC, and start writing and drawing this story solution.
But, oh No, it’s actually a begging:
Monday morning, I wake up in anticipation of the interview and looked out the window rejoicing sun rays; saw even deeper snow.
Monday morning, I wake up in anticipation of the interview and looked out the window rejoicing sun rays; saw even deeper snow.
Glory to God, the roads were cleared overnight. How could we change the weather? How could we stop the snow, in NYC? This is not so much about the weather, any ware I this time, as much previous, I find a solution not only come to New York but other safely came back Actually, my art and mine FitBit is a solution, not only to change the weather and my mood.