After a brief talk with the owner of Goshen NY, “Cafe Yen” with a cup of strong coffee I realized, we as people have lost humanity. We have all these careers, experiences, we are #designers, #managers, #creatives, or baristas, but are we still humans?
Who We Are, People?
We have all these careers, experiences, we are #designers, #managers, strategists #creatives, or baristas, but are we still humans?
For example, just today, in the morning, I listened to a TED talk interview with an amazing person, Hugh Herr, who has lived without legs all his lifeHere is his #linkedIn video
“How we’ll become cyborgs and extend human potential.”
On one side, this interview is shocking because losing his legs enabled Hug’s superpower. But the title of the TED talk made me feel unsatisfied because It doesn't matter who you are and what physical condition you are in, if you have a human spirit.
Wake Up in the Sky, or My Morning reality?
How Might We (#HMW) describe our usual morning?
How Might We describe our morning mindset ?
How Might We make our morning happier ?
How Might We work with our morning mindset?
How Might We change our morning reality?
How Might We change our morning #mood reality?
How Might we find a job my Senior Creative Recruiter if every morning we get up in front computer screen.
“And what if I understand my #superpover as humanity.
“The last time we often come across the #work of robots. In the companies of cellular operators - your #problems are solved by robots, interviewing and hiring, also carried out by robots. But people want normal and live communication with specialists so that their problems are solved efficiently and efficiently. People don’t want to talk to “Talking Heads”.
“Add to your morning #coffee and cakes, an endless list of invitations from potential employers. With a good mood and hot #yen_coffee, choose your most interesting #job !