I consider my #LinkedIn , #Twitter banner and my profile design to be a creative problem solution.
My experience:
Having had more than 15 years of experience of being an owner, designer and SEO developer, my networking, and career process that I have just gained in the US were much about how to problem solve.
Even my LinkedIn, or twitter profile, and banner design were not about me, or my skills. They were focused on the answer to my potential users, and career providers how I can find the solution to the problem.
My LinkedIn, twitter profile, and the banner are telling the story of my creative career path:
Why do you think the banner in the LinkedIn account, and the twitter profile can say more about my background, and my network experience?
My profile design is a solution to a creative problem that my potential users can can see who I am and what I can do. Think how for example your creative director or designer’s skills be your users’ problem solution? All the skills, knowledge you have or books you read can not express you as a problem solver. In the end, everything you learn about your users becomes a problem solution.
Every detail in my LinkedIn, or twitter banner is a part of one big problem solution, the books about design, one of my favourite design works, #freelance poster in a wall, tell my professional journey story to my potential users.
I think every job needs its own solution. Every job is different, the designer’s #career is not the same as that of manager’s but each of the jobs needs has its own tools and methods for their problems’ solution.