How Might We start playing with #brand strategy Public Library?
Make it stand out.
Brand it.
I’s definitely simpler to say, “Let's design a #brand #strategy for our company than really #designed it!” For example, designing a real #brand for Goshen Public Library.
Build it.
How Might We (#HMW) describe the idea of Public Library?
Grow it.
Before I even stated library branding design, I wanted to find the definition of the term “a branding strategy.” The first Google definition came up as
“a long-term plan for the development of a successful brand in order to achieve specific goals.”
“How Might a long-term of something be simple? ”
Long-term plan of Public Library:
A long-term plan of Public Library:To start a long-term plan, I made a research what a Public Library is for people. Do we still need to read books? How Might We describe the term “library?”
The place to meet people
Not only reading
Do you think, my readers, these words define the concept of a Library for you?
“No, they do not fully. ”
Information, knowledge, research, not only reading… These terms do not include, for example, the Internet? A place to meet people - How Might We meet somebody at the Public Library? Can we really talk there? Can you possibly read when somebody talks?
A wise strong lion personifies logo of NY Public Library.
An Owl with an inverted A is a logo of the Albany Public Library.
The image of Patterns from books was chosen by the Rochester Public Library designer.
A Book with a feather is a logo of the Queens Library Brooklyn Public
“Some #logo images seem to be confusing, not to mention the choice of Library.”
In some ideas logo can be confused, not to mention the color, font, and tag line, is it looks simply? f colors, fonts, and #taglines.
Does is it look simple in any way?
“So let’s GO to find this branding solution for Goshen Public Library.”