Are you on real #shmot reality?
Perhaps, where you remember the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s?
It was my experience of the USSR Reality…
I was still quite small, just because I was a little child, but I clearly remembered how in television programs and news they told me that the arms race was going on, that speculators, etc. began to secretly operate in the #USSR.
It's Not a Time of:
How did chewing gum, Pepsi - Cola and Fanta, become so popular, because then they were very tasty.
Are we Still at Trend Reality
Foreign music was banned; about the youth, it was possible to acquire records and tapes with recordings from under the coat. I remember how the program “Morning Mail” showed the performance of foreign groups: Queen, Rolling Stones, daring and stylish David Bowie.
The Russian Trend of Little Odessa:
It was from that moment that I began to get involved in the work of British musician D. Bowie, and later decided to connect my life with music.
In that distant time, during the Soviet era, imports were deficient.
And now - on it everything is marked SALE!
I ask why? The answer: probably, because everybody, and of course You, need to sell all these things, like “yesterday.” And now that they are no longer speculators, are quite respected owners of clothing business.
What was produced in the USSR, you see, was far from ideal. I remember department stores selling men's and women's items. These things were not quite presentable, despite the fact that they were 100% cotton and wool, etc.
McDonald's Fries , better with Coca-Cola and #mIce_Cream
Models resembled a working uniform rather than a business suit or elegant evening dress. For all occasions - one very creepy style. But people somehow managed to acquire things that were brought from behind the #ofabroad.