Even I have 20 years, experience as an SEO or Brand Strategist, right now I am also at the job search, so I am using Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, to show my skills but not for media advertising.
Which One is better Traffic from Social Media or Organic traffic?
I Hate it:
That’s probably why I hate Social Media ADS, people use advertising everywhere, and it’s already impossible, to find a job it’s too much of social media marketing everywhere.
Facebook it.
Instagram and Facebook ad wasting time more than real Facebook, how to speak about the quality of content? facebook advertising already making public ad campaigns.
Twitter It
What is Twitter about, and am I need advertising, for example, if I am writing a blog post? It looks like the biggest problem of popular social media is advertising.
Do not advertise it :
Content Creating is not only about Facebook, and Twitter advertising, this is just social media management. That’s why in My Little price symbolic snake is the Symbol of social media.

Make it Organic and Search It
About it.
If you are a brand strategy for example a social networking site, what will be your job about?
Asking it.
Many users ask how to get traffic sources, but what is your site about?
Sell it.
I can compare every site, to a route to New York, for example, near me, of course we have a toll, all traffic is paid, but at Volgograd specialty, in my childhood nobody paid for traffic.
Grow it.
So before I came to NYC I couldn't understand how people could pay for waiting at the tolls.